Dina Fabulosa

Stories: 2

Stories by name

El matrimonio no deseado
El matrimonio no deseado
Alyssa De Guzman se encontraba entre la espada y la pared debido a la enfermedad de su abuela, por lo que cuando el maestro Guang Lee le propuso ayudarla a cambio de que se casara con su nieto Leonard Lee, el director general de GL corp., no le quedó otra alternativa que aceptar. En el día de su boda, jamás imaginó que se enamoraría perdidamente de su prometido. La ternura que Leonard Lee le demostró durante la ceremonia incrementó su atracción hacia él y la llenó de la ilusión de que su matrimonio sería idílico. Sin embargo, estaba lejos de imaginar que, una vez concluido el evento, se revelarían las auténticas intenciones de su esposo hacia ella: ¡un profundo rencor! ¿Qué destino le aguardará en manos de su marido? ¿Optará por mantener vivo su amor o se verá impulsada a corresponderle con odio?
The Unwanted Marriage
The Unwanted Marriage
Alyssa De Guzman was in a tight situation regarding her grandma’s illness, so when Master Guang Lee offered her help for the exchange of marrying his grandson Leonard Lee, the CEO of GL corp., she had no choice but to agree. On the day of their wedding, she never thought that she would fall in love at first sight with her husband-to-be. The gentleness Leonard Lee shows to her at their wedding makes her even more attracted to him and excites her with an expectation that her marriage will be a perfect one. But little did she know that after the show, the actual intentions of her husband towards her would come out. It’s his hatred towards her! What do you think fate awaits her at the hands of her husband? Will she still choose to love him or choose to hate him back?
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